Harri Sjöström — soprano & sopranino saxophone
Tom Jackson — clarinet
Daniel Thompson — guitar
Adam Pultz Melbye — Double bass & electronics
26. Oktober 2018
Einlass 20 Uhr, Konzertbeginn 20:30Uhr
Eintritt: 13,- € erm. 10,-€
passend zur Ausstellung:
`Warteland´ drawing installation von Lena Czerniawska
weitere Information:
Schudomastr. 38/12055 Berlin/Rixdorf
S-Bahn Sonnenallee/ Bus M41 bis Mareschstrasse
Reservierung via: 030/56 82 89 31

Foto: Matthias Bothor
Harri Sjöström
Born 29 February 1952 in Turku, Finland. Played piano, guitar and drums in his childhood. Studied music and fine art photography in San Francisco from 1974–1978; later film studies at the San Francisco Art Institute, saxophone and flute with Harry Man, Leo Wright, Friedhelm Schönfeld, Steve Lacy; further piano studies at the San Francisco Conservatory; attended special class for contemporary improvised music at the Lone Mountain College led by trombonist Johannes Mager; composition studies at the electro acoustic music department at Hochschule Für Musik Wien, Austria; composition class led by composers Prof. Haubenstock-Ramati and Prof. Friedrich Cerha.
The joyful, creative and intensive experiences with contemporary music, contemporary improvised music studies, and visual art studies captivated him so much that he has worked intensively ever since with contemporary improvised music, precent tme composition and in mixed media projects including film, photography, visual arts, theater and dance. Has participated in master courses and workshops held by John Cage, George Russell, Steve Lacy, Bill Dixon, Daniel Kientzy, Vinko Globokar, Evan Parker, Cecil Taylor. In 1980–1985 he lived in Vienna, Austria, which became his doorway to the European contemporary music scene; formed his first groups and organized numerous artist exchange-projects in Finland and elsewhere. Brought many most notable innovators on the international contemporary improvisation scene to Finland. One of his early projects included a tour with Derek Bailey Company, which was their first in Finland; Bailey´s visit in Finland was largely commented by the finish press as »the occurrence« of the year in the contemporary music scene; moved to Berlin in 1985.
Founded the international Quintet Moderne and co–founded the The Player Is–trio with Teppo Hauta-aho and Philipp Wachsmann, Harri Sjöström as well as founding the groups: Quartetto Finlandia, Wait, Motström, Up and Out, ECIO, (European Composers Improvisors Orchestra), Sestetto Internazionale, Trio Internazionale, co–founded the MOVE–quintet, City Of Pyramids – Casserley, DJ Illvibe, Morgan, Sjöström; since 1989 in collaboration with the British guitarist John Russell in Russells international Mopomoso (MOdernism
POstMOdernism) projects. In 1990, Harri met Cecil Taylor in Berlin and has an extensive working relationship with the legendary pianist and composer on many projects like Cecil Taylor Quintet Desperados (Cecil Taylor, Paul Lovens, Teppo Hauta-aho, Tristan Honsinger, Harri Sjöström), Cecil Taylor Quartet – Qua, Cecil Taylor "New Unit" (Cecil Taylor, Tony Oxley, Okkyung Lee, Jackson Krall, Harri Sjöström) and five recording releases with different C.T. ensembles; since the late 70s Harri performed at numerous international jazz and contemporary music festivals.
Additional collaborations in different projects with a.o. Bernahrd Arndt, James Andean, Yoko Arai, Matthias Bauer, Guy Bettini, Tony Buck, Sergio Castrillón, Angelo Contini, Markus Fagerudd, Emilio Gordoa, Frank Gratkowski, Teppo Hauta-aho, Steve Heather, Tristan Honsinger, Kalle Kalima, Achim Kaufmann, Veli Kujala, Jukka Kääriäinen, Okkyung Lee, Francesco Miccolis, Gianni Mimmo, Dag Magnus Narvesen, Heikki Nikula, Adam Pultz Melbye, Luca Pissavini, Günter Baby Sommer, Jone Takamäki, Janne Tuomi; occasionally performs solo and is involved in making film music. Harri Sjöström has been a saxophone teacher since 1980 and is a vital member of the European contemporary improvised music scene; he has composed music for film and is still active today with his photography.